Persons and Organisations mentioned as Collector, Donator etc. or personal Source 
Name  Position  Year  Remarks 
Alaska Commercial Company (ACC) Successor of Russian American Company. Became the exclusive agent for USA to take seals from the Komandorski Islands, and maintained a trading post there.  from 1868 : Hutchinson, Kohl & Company.
The Company had a museum in the old Alaska Commercial Building in San Francisco, but as this museum was not in a fireproof building, it was decided that it should be donated to the University of California . So 1904 they donated the Berkeley and the (destroyed) San Francisco Skeletons.
Earlier history of these specimen unknown.
Aleksandrov, General Director of the Khabarovsk Museum around 1900   arranged sale of one skeleton to Museum Paris though Pfaffius around 1900.
American Russian Commercial Company San Francisco based American company   founded 1853 to import ice from the then Russian Alaska, not to be confused with Russian American Company. 
Barrett-Hamilton British Natural History Museum, London   mentioned by Vaksmut (?)
Berezin, Aleksandr Alëutean inhabitant of Bering Island 1898 Found a complete skeleton
Bering, Vitus Jonassen Danish Commander and Discoverer in the Russian Navy. 1680-1741 Travelled and charted the Russian Arctic and Pacific, and the Alaskan Coast, discovered several Alëut islands and the Kommandor Islands. Died on Bering Island.
Birula A.
Alexandr Androvich Birulya
Russian zoologist 1864-1937 1928 described the Khabarovsk pelvic bone
Brandt, J.F. from 1830 first Director of the Zoological Museum, St. Petersburg (on recommendation by A.v.Humboldt) 1802-1879 wrote classical works on Steller's Seacow
Chitrov, Sofron Master on the St. Peter   drew copy of the "Waxell Chart".
Brasche Dr. Navy Doctor 1900 excavated the Braunschweig specimen
Damon Robert F.   1885 dealer in fossils and other natural history specimens, London,
bought a skeleton for the British Museum, London
Dattan, Adolph 1881-1917 Managing Director of the German commercial house Kunst & Albers in Wladiwostok, Russian Councilor of State   1903 a ship owned by K & A transports (free of charge) the specimen, which Pfaffius had sold to Paris, from Wladiwostok to Nagasaki.
1907 Dattan donated a skeleton to the Braunschweig Museum.
Domning, Dr. Daryl P. Professor of Anatomy, Howard University, Washington, DC.   World's foremost authority on sirenian evolution 
Dubrovo or Dubrowo,
Dr. Irina
Russian paleontologist specialist of mammouths 1960-1974 collected on Bering items for the Moscow Museum of Natural History
Dukhovski, Sergei Michailovitsch Governor General of the Amur Region 1898-1902 Supporter and sponsor of the Khabarovsk Museum
Dr. Benedict Tadeusz
(1833-1930) Polish physician and zoologist.
1863 condemned to death for taking part in Polish Uprising, later reduced to 12 years hard labour in Siberia. 1866 dismissed, stayed as a doctor in Siberia.
From 1884 chief of the Department of Zoology, University Lviv, Founder of the Museum of Zoology.
1879-1882 Several visits to Bering Island. He collected many of the skeletons in Ukrainian Museums and in Vienna, and the (destroyed) Warsaw skull.
Dr. Barton Warren.
  1892 bought for 100 Gold-Dollars from Bering islander Trifon Sinitsin an allegedly complete skeleton and allegedly donated it to Washington (National Museum of Natural History), but it disappeared.
Fortelius, Mikael Professor of Evolutionary Palaeontology, Department of Geology and Institute of Biotechnology, Helsinki    
Furuhjelm, Johan Hampus (Ivan Vasilevich Furugelm ), Governor of Russian-Alaska 1859 - 1864. 1861 collected the Helsinki specimen
Furusawa, Hitoshi Numata Fossil Laboratory, Hokkaido (Japan) 1995 collected bones on Bering Island
Grebnitzki, Nikolai Alexandrovich Administrator of Commander islands for many years.
Member of Eastern Siberia Department of the Imperial Geographic Society since 1875.
Scholar of Natural Sciences.
  from 1875 dispatched countless skeletal elements found on Bering Island.
Grodekov, Nikolai Ivanovich Governor-General of the Pri-Amur Region, Head of the Priamursky department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.    
Herz, Otto   1890 worked for Dr. Otto Staudinger, trader in insects, Dresden, 1890 expedition to Kamchatka, bought skeleton from St. Petersburg for Dresden.
Isakov, N.B.   1837 collected the skeleton for the Zoological Museum, Moscow
Jousse, Dr. Hélène UMR Paléoenvironnements et Paléobiosphère, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon    
Lucas, Frederick A.     Prepared the Washington skeleton
Mattioli, Dr. Stefano Ph. D., Section of Behavioural Ecology, Ethology, and Wildlife Management, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Italy.   2006, together with Domning, published "An annotated list of extant skeletal material of Steller’s sea cow"
Nordenskjold, Adolf Erik (1832 - 1901) Geologist, mineralogist and arctic explorer, born in Finland he later settled in Sweden. He is most known for the Vega expedition 1878/9 along the northern coast of Europe and Asia, finding the Northeast Passage. 1879 At the end of his Vega Expedition, spent five days on Bering Island, collected numerous specimen for Scandinavian Museums, interviewed inhabitants and believed he found proof that at least one seacow had been seen alive as late as 1854.
He brought 21 cases of skeletal material to Sweden (Kleinschmidt 1983).
Nordmann, Alexander von Director of Zoologic Museum Helsinki 1861 first description of a skeleton after Steller.
Novomodniy, Evgeniy V. Entomologist, Ecologist, Head of Nature Department, Museum of Local Lore, Khabarovsk    
Nusbaum, M. Inst. Zoologiczny Univ. Livonie Meuberg 1910 donated bones to Monaco Oceanographic Museum
Pallas, Peter Simon Professor Russian-Imperial Academy 1741-1811 wrote the Zoographica Rosso-Asiatica
Pfaffius, Konstantin Evgeneevic Mining Engineer 1901 on behalf of the Museum Khararovsk travelled around Europe offering a skeleton to the large museums.
Plenisner, Friedrich H. German Corporal of Cossacks, Officer of the Military staff on the St. Peter. - 1778 probably made drawings for Steller.
1760 Lieutenant-colonel F. Plenisner was appointed Chief Commander of the Anadir Region.
Rossolino, Dr. O. L.   1960-1974 collected for the Moscow Museum of Natural History on Bering Island
Russian American Company
Rossiysko-amerikanskaya Kompaniya 
semi-official Russian corporation, based on Kodiak   founded 1789 by the merchant Gregory Shelikov, to control the early Russian traders.
1857 donated the St. Petersburg Skeleton.

When the United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, the firm was sold to San Francisco merchants, and re-named Alaska Commercial Company.
Savinetsky, Arkady B. Russian Paleoecologist    
Scollick, J.W. Assistant to Frederick A. Lucas     
Sinitsin, Trifon Alëutean inhabitant of Bering Island 1892 found a complete skeleton, sold it for 100 Dollar Gold to Dr. Barton Everman. 
Stefen, Dr. Clara Curator of mammals at the Museum für Tierkunde Dresden    
Stejneger, Dr. Leonhard (1851 - 1943), Norwegian-American zoologist.
From 1882 to 1883 he was sent on an exploration mission to Bering Island and Kamchatka. From 1911 on he was the Head Curator for biology with the Smithonian. He became fascinated by the life of Georg Wilhelm Steller,and published an authoritative biography.
1883 spent over a year on Bering, collected the Washington skeleton, interviewed inhabitants to prove that Nordenskiold erred and last Seacow definitely killed 1768.
Steller, Georg Wilhelm * 10. März 1709 in Windsheim,
+ 12. November 1746 in Tjumen.
German Medicus and Scientist.
1709-46 1734 joined the Russian Army. Explored the fauna, flora, geology and ethnographie od Kamchatka and the Bering Sea. Member of the Great Norric Expedition under Vitus Bering.
Vaksmut, Nikolai Sergeyevich
Assistant to Grebnitzki, Administrator of the Kommander Islands from 1890 to 1893,
1893-1899 Assistant to Dukhovski, and from 1899 to ? Administrator (Natschalnik) of the Khabarovsk District.
1899 wrote a comprehensive list of skeletons found on Bering island between 1875 and 1899 in the weekly newspaper Priamurskie Wedomosti.
Wannhoff, Ullrich Painter and Explorer, lived on Bering Island, frequently travels Alaska and Kamchatka. Extensive studies of Steller's life and the Russian Far East.    
Waxell, Sven or Swen Swedish Navy Lieutenant, and after Bering's death Commander of the St. Peter.   Drew the original "Waxell Chart"
Wosnessenski, (Voznesenskii) Ilja Gawrilowitsch Curator of the St. Petersburg Museum 1844 collected a skull and bones for the St. Petersburg Collection (the first specimen of the species in a museum). Spent more than four years in Russian America drawing, painting, and collecting specimens, sent more than 40 trunks with more than 6,000 zoological specimens to St. Petersburg.